“Many a liberal tweak makes America weak.” — Eric Schneller

I stopped eating canned tuna when they took the dolphin out of it.  The taste went downhill.  There were plenty of dolphins to begin with, but now there are so many you can’t go to the beach without being bumped by a bottlenose.

This is just one of many examples of the government messing around with things that weren’t broken to begin with.  Here are some other examples:

  1. They took the fun switch off our favorite firearms back in ’34.  Duh, if legislative evolution follows a constant reactionary approach by canceling individual liberties at a rate proportionate to criminal behavior, then eventually everyone’s wearing Mao suits.  Find real solutions, congress.  It might require actual work, but that’s why we sent you there.  Maybe cut down on the martini lunches, and just have a nice sandwich at your desk while you continue WORKING.
  2. They took prayer and discipline out of schools and stopped letting them read the Riot Act to parents who don’t teach their children right from wrong.  Now kids try to kill each other in the middle of the school day.
  3. They stopped allowing proper forest management.  Now half the Left Coast is burning down.  There are actually some good people out there, many more than just Lot and his wife.  People like me wish we could help, but it’s hard to fight city hall.
  4. They took backbones out of collegiate student bodies and replaced them with cry rooms.  Let’s hope we never have to re-institute the draft.  The kinds of folks I’m thinking of who would come after us in a World War III have shown in the past that they can put up some very serious numbers of combatants.  We’re not talking hearts and minds regime change.  We’re talking total war, babe.  And that requires total participation.  Otherwise, when the bad guys get here, you get to watch them do some very nasty things to the ones you love, no matter what their age.

And don’t forget about what they did to my tuna!

P.S.  The title is my version of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  Thing is, that phase was coined by a Democrat, so I won’t use it.