Bringing Our Cities Back Into SPEC
Unless you’ve been in a state of prolonged cryo-preservation, then you are doubtless well apprised of the advanced state of atrophy that Democrat control (a term that is in no way synonymous with leadership) has engendered in America’s precious and formerly thriving big cities. I could spend a few thousand words rehashing the detrimental policies and events responsible for this, with which you’re already sickeningly familiar, but I’ll ask a better question. Instead of focusing on how big city liberal mayors, district attorneys, police commissioners, city councils, and the like have harmed metropolitan America, let us ask how their harm to big cities has harmed the states within which those big cities reside and by extension, unfortunately, our entire nation.
This is where SPEC comes in. SPEC is an acronym that stands for Special Polling for Economies Critical. You might have noticed as well that it is the abbreviation for specifications. So let’s just say that SPEC will perform double duty by also symbolizing the idea of bringing our very much out of spec precious big cities back into spec.
But let’s get to the crux of what SPEC is all about. Special Polling for Economies Critical means one thing and one thing only. Firstly, it references the statistical fact that each state has a metropolitan city that ranks as its chief economic driver. Secondly, it acknowledges that said city’s leadership can make, break, or mediocritize its true economic potential, thereby transmitting the same effect throughout its host state. And finally, obviously, and justifiably, SPEC calls for the establishment of a state-wide vote to determine the leadership of the chief economic driver in certain states as the only possible way to rectify over five decades of deep damage done by failed liberal policies and to also serve as a prophylaxis to this particular past ever repeating itself.
Well, that’s the nitty-gritty. Now let’s take a look at the mechanics of the thing. In Republican-controlled state legislatures, this is so doable it’s not even funny thanks to the inherent ability to amend state constitutions. The only wild card would be the Republicans themselves. You see, they come in two varieties: there are nominal Republicans (RINOs), and then there are bona fide Republicans who walk the earth upright thanks to these things known as backbones. So let’s start ringing the phones of our Republican leadership and at least get on the road to getting red states’ stock valuations up by a tick or two. The blue states we’ll have to work on in other ways, one of which especially will be to positively inspire Democrat and Independent voters to understand just how much the adoption of SPEC will improve their lives.
Let’s face it, big city liberal mayors have been playing God with their cities’ fates for some time now. Their liberal policies are directly responsible for widespread violent crime, political corruption, dilapidated infrastructure, grossly inefficient budgets, failing schools, and don’t forget – giant potholes. This creates a miasmic vortex that cruelly sucks the economic potential out of the rest of any given state’s good people. So goes the economic hub, so goes the state, and so goes the country. And it’s not like this evaluation is being unfairly rendered within mere days of their turn at trying their hand. These are the factual results of 50+ years of failed liberal policies. Their so-called solutions and innovations have been re-labeled, re-branded, re-packaged, re-cycled, and re-constituted to the point that their futile efforts easily meet with the classical definition of insanity. So who wants to partake in the insanity? Not I, says the writer of this article.
It’s high time we turn the crazy train express around and start voting in some responsible and competent leadership in each state’s most critical metropolis by way of state-wide elections. And if we started today, it would be not a nanosecond too soon. To clarify, I started developing the SPEC concept roughly a year ago when America’s big cities were merely screwed-up. Yet, in just these past few months they have metamorphosed into rogue duchies wherein mayors command proxy armies of Marxist thugs whose attacks receive protection from formerly respectable police agencies. Historical monuments are wantonly being destroyed faster than the Taliban ever did so on its best day, and small businesses are being hunted to the point of extinction. So let’s get this party started.
In conclusion, SPEC is also the long term-goal of the Fix It NOW!NOLA/Fix Our Cities NOW! nonprofit for which I’m currently gathering funding. We plan to advocate for SPEC through lobbying activity and by generating grassroots interest. Look for us soon and our highly innovative form of non-violent protest in America’s big cities starting with The Big Easy.