“Tear gas – you kiddin’ me – tear gas?!” Well, that’s not exactly what Coach Mora said, but the news media was being just as ridiculous that day when… Continue reading ““Tear gas – you kiddin’ me – tear gas?!””…
Eric’s Alternative Shakespeare O, beware, my Lord, the autodidacts; They seek the truth on their own and will not be mocked By the… Continue reading “Eric’s Alternative Shakespeare”…
“Many a liberal tweak makes America weak.” — Eric Schneller I stopped eating canned tuna when they took the dolphin out of it. The taste went downhill. There were plenty… Continue reading ““Many a liberal tweak makes America weak.” — Eric Schneller”…
“Stop saying that!” — Count Rugen, The Princess Bride, 1987 I can’t stand when people use the overblown expression “to the right of Attila the Hun” to describe conservatives. Despite… Continue reading ““Stop saying that!” — Count Rugen, The Princess Bride, 1987”…
“I don’t want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position.” When George C. Scott General George S. Patton said that to the Third Army, he did those brave Americans a… Continue reading ““I don’t want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position.””…
“But I didn’t know until this day that it was [Paul Ryan] all along.” — Vito Corleone (sort of) So, what did the rest of you think of that invertebrate’s diffident reaction the other day to the president planting… Continue reading ““But I didn’t know until this day that it was all along.” — Vito Corleone (sort of)”…
Vote for STEVE SCALISE!!!!!!! Come on, people. How could you not vote for someone like Steve? He’s a God-fearing, baseball and apple pie loving,… Continue reading “Vote for STEVE SCALISE!!!!!!!”…
“…it was premature and real wrong that these investigations ever got reported in the first place.” — Assistant Attorney General James J. Wells (Wilford Brimley), Absence of Malice, 1981 The liberal news media is like The Law of Conversation of Matter on crazy pills. In other words, it creates… Continue reading ““…it was premature and real wrong that these investigations ever got reported in the first place.” — Assistant Attorney General James J. Wells (Wilford Brimley), Absence of Malice, 1981”…
“And some that smile have in their hearts, I fear, millions of mischiefs.” — William Shakespeare Yes, Bill, you’re quite right – at least millions. However, for those who insist on believing in multiple – perhaps… Continue reading ““And some that smile have in their hearts, I fear, millions of mischiefs.” — William Shakespeare”…
“Are you telling us absolutely everything?” — Airplane II, 1982 What I am about to reveal has nothing to do with being out of coffee. As a conservative it is… Continue reading ““Are you telling us absolutely everything?” — Airplane II, 1982”…