Chess, Anyone?


What is the difference between a member of the status quo and a member of the patriot class when it comes to a game of chess?  Both are smart.  Both want to win.  So what’s the big difference?

Circumlocutory Answer:

First, we have to establish that members of the status quo (aka: the deep state, the establishment, people and departments who are as good as teats on a toucan, etc.) exist irrespective of political party.  Second, pursuant to our studies and observations of said smooth operators, we have to realize that their sole, selfish ambition is to design and firmly entrench themselves in what they consider to be the ideal sinecure.  In other words, they’re a bunch of lazy so-and-so’s who just want to feather their nests and keep them that way.

So how exactly do birds of such a filthy feather go about a game of chess?  And how do Americans who stay fond of the Founding Fathers approach such a game when challenged by these pretenders and manipulators?  Well, the answer is simple – and also historical.  We show politeness, apply our intellect vigorously, and play their little game for the sake of whatever hope there is in negotiating a real solution.  And when none of that works, we get up and smash the damn chess board over their heads.  This shrewd balance of brains and brawn – and ultimately our guts over their glibness – has been working really well for us since 1776, and now is not the time to let our foot off the pedal.

The chess board, of course, is a metaphor.  I’m sure all of you figured that out already.  (Except for liberals, they’re probably dialing 911 to report that I’m beating someone with a chess board.)  However, if you want to get literal, then in a real game of chess with a member of the status quo you will discover that they never concede loss.  They consider it beneath themselves to tip their king when actually in checkmate, and ironically, these so-called intellectuals especially never show foresight by resigning in anticipation of unpreventable loss.  They want the game to never end.  They will lie, cheat, and steal to stay in the spotlight, even when they have no right to be there.  They come girded with aloofness and urbanity yet have no real game.  They are pathetic yet dangerous.  They will kill if given the chance.

But let’s get back to that metaphor for a moment.  The chess board is placed before us as an obstacle in many forms.  The status quo from both sides of the aisle will stifle forward movement by entrammelling us in dialectical debate in which we could be making sense to the point of cyanosis, but they will still maintain that it is just not good enough.  Again, the stalling, the stringing along, the refusal to leave the game so as to remain entrenched in their sinecure.  And along the way they will accuse us of incivility, bad form, bad manners, and any other superficial gunk they can throw against the wall to see if it sticks.  Then they will attempt to use this nothingness to discount our core acumen and especially our success.

So now let’s revisit that “historical” aspect mentioned earlier.  The Brits had every intention of keeping us down until the Founding Fathers smashed a nice, firm chess board known as the Declaration of Independence over their heads.  And then for good measure, they smashed George Washington over their heads too.  This same paradigm ensued, until recent times, through our great nation’s many conflicts and diplomatic crises of which patriotic Americans are familiar.  These were the times when our national leaders did not dare resist the ground swell of coast-to-coast patriotism and at any rate still understood that America could not “afford to be made to look ridiculous” (The Godfather, 1972).

Now, lamentably, in 21st century America we have a veritable fifth column intent on making us look ridiculous, and it’s found on Capitol Hill of all places.  The American People will either become fully and irreversibly submissive before these Zombies of Gridlock, or we will fight and reverse and restore.  There is no in between.  We might have to start smashing chess boards over the heads of enemies more domestic than foreign.  And I would strongly encourage that we smash early and often and hard.

Or don’t expect Johnny to come marching home.