Ilhan Omar and the Drunken Sailor Song


In the wake of Representative Ilhan Omar’s unambiguous revelation to the American people and the world that she probably would not throw even a tattered, mildewed life vest to a drowning Jewish child, it has put the members of her party in a bit of a quandary.  After all, everyone knows that our nation’s entire population of non-bigots can be found in the Democrat Party, right?  The rest of us are simply “deplorable.”  So what will they do with this woman?  Heck, what will we do with this woman?  Her ideas for how she and her followers want to transform America are utterly frightening and not exactly well masked.  That was when I realized just how well an adaptation of the “Drunken Sailor” song could lend itself to articulating this last question.

So please enjoy the following.  It’s fun to sing in the shower, while working in the garden, shopping at the store, cranking away on your reloading press, or waiting in line for your favorite roller coaster.  (And do try to observe the original rhyme and meter.)


The Hateful Muslim

What will we do with a hateful Muslim?
What will we do with a hateful Muslim?
What will we do with a hateful Muslim?
Newly in the Congress

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Loved by all the haters

Shred her words with a rusty razor
Shred her words with a rusty razor
Shred her words with a rusty razor
Take her off committee

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Darling of the haters

Put her in a temple with Jewish people
Put her in a temple with Jewish people
Put her in a temple with Jewish people
Till she is a nice girl

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Her people love her hatin’

Stick her in line for the Auschwitz tour
Stick her in line for the Auschwitz tour
Stick her in line for the Auschwitz tour
Early in the morning

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Hatin’ in the morning

Make her write shalom till her pencil’s worn down
Make her write shalom till her pencil’s worn down
Make her write shalom till her pencil’s worn down
Early in the morning

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Votin’ in the Congress

That’s what we do with a hateful Muslim
That’s what we do with a hateful Muslim
That’s what we do with a hateful Muslim
Early in the session

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Loved by all the haters

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Loved by all the haters


Now that we conservatives have all had a good laugh, let’s think for a moment about what to expect next from the Ilhan Omars of the world.  Try to recall what the real problem always was in those horror movies with the ruthless monster that existed only to hate and destroy.  Sure, the monster was not easy to deal with, but wasn’t it the monster’s eggs that created the real sense of exigency?  Everyone was aware of the obvious – that if the eggs hatch, then the little baby monsters will be able to hit the open field and spread their mama’s mayhem farther, wider, and faster.  Well, people like Ilhan Omar do not exactly make things up as they go.  They always have a plan that is designed to have a compounding effect.  They wish to sew fields far and wide, not just the one on which they’re currently standing.  And even if you’re not Jewish, don’t be naive.  Anti-Semites by their very hateful nature can always be expected to make time for other groups as well.

Personally, I am going to do everything I can to prevent the addition of another holocaust to our times.  We have our hands full exhorting our leaders to end the savagery of abortion.  And people like Ilhan Omar are calculating enough to know that starting a war on a second front could possibly overwhelm those striving to uphold American principles.

But if we do not fight hard, there will be signs that the anti-Semites are winning.  Those signs will come as layers that will build and build until finally they are an ocean that covers us, drowning everything that America stands for.  First, you will notice the anti-Semites more frequently spreading their hate and intimidation – and on an increasingly wider scale.  It will start happening in places you never expected.  Then the police will tell us it’s just too big of a problem for them to handle.  Then there will occur a second Kristallnacht.  And then we will ask ourselves how all of this could have happened.

Speak up, America.  There’s some really weird stuff going down.