Mr. Schneller’s Message of Non-Violence in the Wake of the Christchurch Tragedy

Just to make things perfectly clear, I strongly condemn the violence that took place yesterday in Christchurch, New Zealand.  And despite the very odd sentiment expressed by Ocasio-Cortez on the topic of prayer, I want to offer my prayers for the victims and their families.  Prayer, while it might not have the sort of gratuitous effect for which some hope, still has a very real effect.  In fact, I would even conjecture that Ocasio-Cortez turned to prayer on the night of her election.

Getting back to the Christchurch tragedy, many of you have read my recent blog post on Ilhan Omar, a hateful woman who happens to be Muslim.  It is inevitable that those on the left will accuse people like me of inciting violence when all we are really doing is identifying and denouncing hatred, something that all good people have a duty and responsibility to do.  So I will very much stand by my blog post about Ilhan Omar.  For whether a social club, a corporation, or a religious group contains a large contingent of members that seeks to heavy-handedly, hatefully, or violently impose its will and culture on others, we have a right to use our God-given right of free speech to bring attention to the problem.

But violence is never the answer, except for in clear cases of self-defense.  Please remember, groups that cause trouble often hope for good people to become violent so that they can illegitimately escalate their own acts of violence or simply get us discredited, locked up, and out of their way.  Don’t play into their hands.  An excellent example would be people such as myself, who want more than anything to end the revolting savagery of abortion.  However, we cannot go around shooting abortionists any more than we can Jew- and Christian-hating Muslims.

So keep calm, and let’s use our brains, our vote, and our keyboards to fight the bad stuff.