Roger Goodell is not the devil. He just works for the devil.

I’m clearly tardy in reporting on THE GREAT SAINTS ROBBERY.  So sorry about that, folks.

To begin, I would never presume to stand on the shoulders of those who have provided some incredibly insightful perspectives into what happened on the day we were robbed.  So instead, I cuddled up on the sofa with my cat and a cup of chamomile tea and listened to all of my Joni Mitchell records in an effort to develop a calm and peaceful and unique approach to the whole issue.  NOT!  Conservatives don’t do anything even remotely resembling such effete ridiculousness.  We analyze the battlespace and then attack!  We get things done.  We TCB.

Now that I’ve got that out of my system, the first thing I want to cover is that I regret not having included the NFL in my previous blog post of 9-24-18 concerning deep states.  It should have been there front and center.  For without question, the NFL and the formerly magnificent spectator sport known as American football have become corrupted and adulterated by the same sort of egotistical ilk that saw fit to try to rig a presidential election.  Just think about it, folks.  They’re deciding games by deciding plays before the whistle even blows.  Their extrajudicial ventures are displacing and demeaning the titanic human effort that takes place on the field of play.  Yes, they are playing God with our football.

But now it’s so important to cover why we need to fight this tooth and nail for as long as it takes to produce results.  When powerful rogues are not rendered inert by a grassroots effort, they will continue doing the same bad things to people.  Goodell must be removed from power.  And the way to do that is to discover evidence that shows that Vinovich was induced to do what he did and that a conspiracy existed that ran from one or more referees – possibly through several layers of human insulation – all the way to Goodell himself.  There must be some tech savvy, legal eagle, cloak and dagger-type Saints fans out there who can make this happen.  I hope.

On a related note, when we attended Mass on Super Bowl Sunday (during the game, of course), father said in his homily that although we were robbed, we must still forgive.  Well, father is absolutely right.  His timing is just a little off.  That’s because it’s highly impractical to start forgiving people in the middle of a gunfight.  Wait until it’s over.  Then, when you’re standing over a dead bad guy and wearing an entirely different sort of grin than he is, you can go ahead and forgive him for trying to kill you.  So just to be clear, the fight is not yet over.  Goodell will continue to do this to us again and again and again if we let him.  It is imperative that he be sent packing.

Lastly, for those outside of the Who Dat Nation who have been gulled by the whole Jedi mind trick of that was not the no-call that you thought it was, I have something to say.  When everyone saw Jack Ruby assassinate Lee Harvey Oswald on their TV sets, they did not allegedly see it, and Ruby did not allegedly do it.  It actually happened.  (And that was on B&W TV.)  Likewise, when Vinovich assassinated the Saints (on hi-def color TV, mind you), we did not allegedly see it, and Vinovich did not allegedly do it.  It actually happened.  Unfortunately, no one was ever able to connect Ruby with the people who sent him.  This being the 21st century, though, it would nice – and I think entirely possible – for us to be able to connect Vinovich with the people who sent him.

Special note: Saints good; Oswald bad.