“Tear gas – you kiddin’ me – tear gas?!”
Well, that’s not exactly what Coach Mora said, but the news media was being just as ridiculous that day when they asked about playoffs as they’re being with this whole “chemical weapons” fakemergency at the border. If you want to see people who have been hit with chemical weapons, pull up some old photos of World War I battlefields. They don’t have to be colorized – the people are still just as dead.
Now let’s talk about tear gas, also known as CS gas. It is not a chemical weapon. It is a chemical irritant. It is used to irritate morons who are irritating you. Speaking of, there are two places that people should never take their children: to riots and to cross-border invasions. So that pretty much means that tear gas is on the long list of things to which good parents never expose their children.
That said, presently liberals are shedding more tears than anyone who caught a whiff down at the border. And they’re not even having the courtesy to shed them in a full circle. That’s because they don’t seem to care about the men and women of our armed forces (except for the USCG) who go through tear gas training. Moreover, those folks are exposed to the stuff in an enclosed structure commonly referred to as a “gas chamber,” not out in the open where the gas concentration is lower. Though, why would liberals become advocates for people who can get over a little tear gas by way of a positive attitude? To liberals, positive is poison.
One last thing, unarmed people can overrun your position if there are enough of them. Ever heard of being beaten to death? You don’t think that some of those people would rip our border patrol agents limb from limb if given the chance?
“Oh, who’s being naive, Kay?” — Michael Corleone